
Sunrise with Rachael | Jacksonville Beach

Sunrise shoots are both my favorite and least favorite things to shoot. I love the beautiful lighting we get early in the shoot, but I hate the whole waking up early part! Non the less my shoot with Rachael was pretty awesome! The lighting was great and the video and photos came out great. Also we got some pokemon on the way so it was all worth it.

Midday Waffles - Ashley Cetin

So I may have to admit an obsession with Waffle House! Its not because of the food as much as I love the old dinner style look of the building. I had this vision to shoot at the Waffle House down the road and Ashley was the perfect fit for the session. I figured I would like the results but must say this shoot came out even better then I thought it would. I love the look and lighting in each of these images! Thank you again Ashley for the dope work.

Wolf of Wall Street - Jennings Brower

With wedding season back in full swing and music videos picking up steam my time for shoots has been limited. But it was nice to get away from it all for a few to do a shoot. Just met Jennings through a friend but dudes got talented to be on the luck out for him! Session was fun and had let me try a few new ideas. Loved the way the shots came out especially with Jennings' dog Chief! 

Noir in Color - Ashley Cetin

Ashley's session was kinda of last minute but had to be one of my more favorite sessions. I loved the way the lighting worked out for these shots. Plus Ashley was a great model. The sessions lighting and set up made me think of a noir type film. This was the first of many session that I began to really focus on capturing images that felt more cinematic. cinematography has always been one of my main passions so photographing in that style is the best of both worlds. 


Community Sunrise, October 11th

Finally got some free time in my schedule to head out to #thecommunitysunrise, a weekly meet up held in my city. The Community Sunrise was celebrating its one year anniversary and it was a lot of fun networking with some talented creatives all across Jacksonville. I hope to try to make it out more often so these post will be more frequent!