
Sunrise with Rachael | Jacksonville Beach

Sunrise shoots are both my favorite and least favorite things to shoot. I love the beautiful lighting we get early in the shoot, but I hate the whole waking up early part! Non the less my shoot with Rachael was pretty awesome! The lighting was great and the video and photos came out great. Also we got some pokemon on the way so it was all worth it.

The Division - Ivana and Bonnie

The Division has been one of those games I have been watching for a long time now. Not because I am a huge gammer (I buy one game every 6 months), rather it's because the games story fascinates me. I have love for post apocalyptic stories lord knows why! But none the less when Ivana said she wanted to shoot and wanted to do something more creative I had a pretty good idea of what to do. The session was a lot of fun and Ivana and Bonnie were awesome especially since the weather was crazy cold! I am excited to shoot with them both again soon!

Kona Skate Park | Rachael and Pat

I have not been to Kona probably since I was in middle school! But Pat and Rachael had a pretty cool idea for a shot and Kona was the perfect place to pull it off. In most skate pictures you see a skater or you see a girl. We wanted to combine them. Pat is super talented on his board and we got some pretty awesome shot. The hardest part of this blog was picking just a few to post as they all came out so good. I cant wait to get back out to Kona with Pat again and get some more dope shots!

Vape and Some Cool Lights - Canon Companions

Jeff is a good friend of mine and had a pretty cool concept for a vape shooting using my home studio. I was skeptical at first as to how the shoot would come out but must say it was a pretty cool session. The lighting set up was on point and I love the drama it creates. Once Bret our vape guy left we decided to keep shooting. We used the lights on our selves and then we went out into the cold night to shoot in the middle of no where. Why? Because we are wild like that hahah!

Well This Got Out of Hand - Renee

Been super behind on editing but finally caught back up so Im excited for the new stuff coming out! We have known Renee since high school and its always a good time getting together to shoot. This was no exception! Tori and Renee had us cracking up as they started to act like fools. This made the session even more fun. By the early morning we knew the shoot had gotten out of hand! Still it was a blast and thanks Renee coming over and shooting with us.


River Walk With Austin - Jacksonville, Fl

Austin sent me a pictures of a photo he wanted taken. This sparked a whole session! I love the sunsets in my city during the winter season the lighting is amazing. The session was pretty fun minus the crazy wind. We spent most of the session down by the river walk before coming back and shooting at a waffle house. This was mine and my wife's first time at Waffle House and it was not half bad. Believe it or not the shots from the Waffle House are actually my favorite. It's something about the lighting made me think of a movie scene.


Riverside Hipster - Ben

Had the pleasure of meeting Ben and Jeff during my Black and White photo class at UNF. Both of them are super talented photographers and pretty dope to work with. We had planned a shoot with a model but it all fell through so Ben volunteered to step out from behind the lens and model for us. It was pretty fun session and riverside is an amazing location!

Laura Street Trio - Marble Bank Building - Siobhan

For years now me and Tori have been wanting to get into the Marble Bank building. This historic building located in downtown Jacksonville has sat abandoned for years now. But at one time this was a beautiful bank servicing people from all across the city. Now the owners are preparing to brake ground and restore the historic building! After some work we finally got into the building and loved every minute of it. The building is amazing it has so much history and naturally Siobhan was amazing to work with. We were so happy with how the shot went and so glad we braved the dark and took pictures by the amazing safe. If you want to learn more about the Laura Street Trio or how you can help with bringing these buildings back check out their