Rainy Day in Riverside | Aimee

So we scheduled a shoot and it rained. That is the story of being a photographer in Florida. But I actually don't rainy days, they are peaceful to me. I know it's weird but it's just who I am. I think it has to do with the fact that Florida is wrongfully labeled the Sunshine state when in fact it rains. Like a lot. Plus instagram is full of photographers in my city snapping pictures on brightly light days, shoving some lens flares in with an app and calling it art. Having said all of that I liked shooting in the rain Aimee was a champ for not minding the downpour! When things got real bad we ducked out and went to a local bookstore to finish it off. Loved the session and the challenges it posed to me. Forced me to push my camera skills a bit which is always nice. Big shout out to Aimee for modeling looking forward to working together again soon!
